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9 month checkup

Hannah had her 9 month check-up last night, and to no one’s surprise, she’s 97% percentile in height. Standing at 29.75 inches, she’s a very big girl for her age. She’s 88% for weight at 21lbs, 2oz.

We had to do an ‘Ages and Stages’ questionnaire at the 9 month mark. For everything related to motor skills and problem solving, Hannah got top marks.  While still in the acceptable range, Hannah was lower on the communication and personal social skills. We’re continuing to work with her on that and figure she’ll show improvement by the next review.


Hannah did remarkably well on the two car trips, 10+ hours up and back. She really only started to melt down as we got into the home stretch of our return drive to Chicago.  Big sis Kaitlynn took great care of her backseat buddy!

Mommy ran across this bridge because she hates 1) bridges and 2) heights.

Mommy was all about staying on the ground.